P o r t f o l i o  -- Selected examples
Summit Copywriting Services                          Revealing communications for success 
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      News Feaures       News Releases & Articles        Case Studies/Success Stories    
     Brochures      Print Ads - Consumer      Outdoor      Direct Marketing - Consumer       Direct Marketing - Business

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News Features

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 
/University of  Delaware  - client info -   
(Newark, Del.)

        Allan Shapiro Research   * View plain text
        - Interview, writing 
    * Jim Maas Research
        - Interview, writing 

Office of Public Relations
/University  of  Delaware
 - client info - (Newark, Del.)
     * Rosetta LaFleur's Award   * View plain text
         - Interview, writing 

News Releases & Articles

Union Hospital - client info -    (Elkton, Md.)
      * Babette Racca New Hire
         - Interview, writing 

Office of Public Relations
/University  of  Delaware
 - client info - (Newark, Del.)
      * Donald Sparks Presidency    
View plain text
          - Interview, writing 

Case Studies/Success Stories

Echelon Corporation - client info -
(Sunnyvale, Calf.)

       Bose Audio Installation
        - Content development, writing
       Amtrak Acela Monitoring Network
        - Content development, writing
    * San Diego International Airport
        - Content development, writing

Andover Controls - client info -
(Andover, Mass.)

    * Westin Macau Hotel
        - Content development, writing
    * Philips Semiconductors
        - Content development, writing

Stat Stat (Wilmington, Del.) 
        Padua Academy  * View plain text
        - Content development, writing

Print Ads - Consumer
Eastman Kodak (Spec) - product info -   (Rochester, NY)
      * SmartFilm Spec Ad
         - Concept, writing, design

Direct Marketing - Consumer
Primus (Spec) - product info -  
(Solna, Sweeden)
      * Himalaya Multifuel Stove Spec Ad
         - Concept, writing, design

Total Choice Cellular (Spec)
        Total Choice Billboard
         - Concept, writing, design

Direct Marketing - Business
WH2P   - client info -   (Wilmington, Del.)
      * Retek Sales Letter
         - Writing



Copyright 2003 Summit Copywriting Services
POB 7136, Newark, DE  19714-7136
Tel (302) 292-6875     Fax (302) 292-2963     Email cdlepine@cdlsv.com