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Add or Edit Products

Add or Edit Attributes for a Product

Add or Edit Categories, Manufacturers, or Vendors for All Products

Add or Edit Products

Open Dreamweaver. On the StoreFront menu item select Configure Store.

Click the Product Manager button.

Click Create a New Product, or click Search and double-click the product you wish to edit in the StoreFront Product Search window.

Click the General tab and enter or edit the product information.

  1. Activate Product: When checked, this enables customers to search inventory for an item and order it from the Search Results and Product pages. If unchecked, the item will no longer be available from a search and cannot be ordered from a Product page.
  2. Product ID: This is a unique identifier for each product. Enter any combination of numbers and letters, but avoid using spaces or special characters. You cannot have two products with the same Product ID. If you are editing a product, you cannot edit the Product ID.
  3. Name: Enter a brief descriptive title or label.
  4. Plural Name: Enter the plural name of the product, usually by adding an "s" at the end (e.g., Twill Handbag becomes Twill Handbags). This is for consumers who select multiple units of the product.
  5. Short Description: Enter phrases to describe the product. This can be up to 255 characters and is shown when the item is displayed as the results of a product search. If no product Short Description is entered, the product Long Description will be displayed instead.
  6. Long Description: Provide a more detailed product description. This can be up to 32,000 characters.
  7. Price: Enter the single unit price without a dollar sign.
  8. Sale Price: Enter a reduced price without a dollar sign if the product will have a sale price. The checkbox will activate or deactivate the sale price.
Enter or edit information on the Detail tab.

  1. Category: If desired, click the dropdown arrow to select a category for the current product.

  2. Manufacturer: If desired, click the dropdown arrow to select a manufacturer for the current product.
  3. Vendor: If desired, click the dropdown arrow to select a vendor for the current product.
  4. Small image: If you wish to display a small image of the product, click Browse to locate the image in the images folder for your group. Small images should be from 75 to 100 pixels wide. Note: Images must be put into the site before you can browse to them using this button. If you don't have a small image, leave this field blank.
  5. Large Image: Click Browse to locate a larger image of the product. Large images should be approximately 200 pixels wide.
  6. Link: When this product is displayed in the results of a user search, users can click on the small image to go to its product detail page.

    1. Type detail.asp?PRODUCT_ID= in the Link field.
    2. Type in the ID for your product right after the equals sign. Make sure there are no spaces in the link when you are done. Your link should look exactly like this except for the value after the equals sign:

      Note: You can find the Product ID on the General tab.
  7. Upselling/Confirmation Message: Enter a message to be displayed to customers after they add this item to their order. You can also use this place to recommend another product.
Do not fill in the shipping tab. Open the File menu and select Save Products. Then exit every window until the Configure Store window is closed.

Upload your entire site and visit your group homepage to see the changes.