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Add or Edit Products

Add or Edit Attributes for a Product

Add or Edit Categories, Manufacturers, or Vendors for All Products

Add or Edit Categories,
Manufacturers, or Vendors for All Products

Each product must be placed in a category you create such as bags, clothing, etc. You can also associate a product with a Manufacturer and a Vendor. Modify or add these values using the Edit menu in the Product Manager window.

Enter the StoreFront Product Manager.
From the Configure Store window, click the Product Manager button.

Open the Product Management window.
Click Edit Products.

Open the Category, Manufacturer, or Vendor Management window.
  1. Click the Edit menu item.
  2. Click Categories, Manufacturers, or Vendors.

Edit a category, manufacturer, or vendor. Be sure to edit only one name and exit the management window. Re-open the window to work on more names.

Note: If you receive an error message, restart the computer and login again.

  1. Click the name.
  2. Edit the Name field below the list of current names.
  3. Click the File menu item.
  4. Click Save, then Exit.
  5. Re-open the management window for more names.
Create a category, manufacturer, or vendor. Be sure to edit only one name and exit the management window. Re-open the window to work on more names.

Note: If you receive an error message, restart the computer and login again.

  1. Click the Edit menu item.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Type in the new name in the add window.
  4. Click Add. The new name has been added to the list.
  5. Click Save, then Exit.
  6. Re-open the management window for more names.
Delete a name. Be sure to edit only one name and exit the management window. Re-open the window to work on more names.

Note: If you receive an error message, restart the computer and login again.

  1. Click the name.
  2. Click the Edit menu item.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click the File menu item.
  5. Click Save, then Exit.
  6. Re-open the management window for more names.
Upload your entire site and visit your group homepage to see the changes.