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Add or Edit Attributes for a Product

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Add or Edit Attributes for a Product

Each product can have several attributes such as color, style, etc. Attributes can affect the price of a product. If attributes have been entered for the product, they will appear on the Attributes tab for that product only and are grouped by category. Modify or add product attributes and categories using the Attributes tab. When the order is fulfilled, the attribute is used to select the correct variation of the product.

Creating new attributes.
  1. Open the Product Manager window.
  2. Select your product from the list and go to the Attributes tab, and click Add. If no attributes exist for the product, the Attributes tab will be empty as shown below.

  3. After the Add Attribute window appears, fill in the "Attribute Category" field with a category for your attributes such as "Color." Then fill in the "Attributes in Category" field with an attribute that belongs in the category such as "Red."

  4. Use the "Price Variance Type" radio buttons to increase or decrease the base price of the product if a customer chooses it with the attribute. If there is an increase or a decrease, input this amount in the "Price from Base" field just below.
  5. Now click Add Attribute. The attribute will be displayed below the Add Attribute button with any price variance.
  6. Repeat as needed to add more attributes to a category.
  7. Click Finish when all attributes have been added. Click Yes in the next window to save the attribute.

Settings Summary
  • Attribute Category: Enter the general title or name of the attribute group (e.g., color).
  • Attributes in Category: Enter the specific attributes that would fall into this group (e.g., reds, greens, yellows).
  • Price Variance Type: Choose how this attribute will affect the overall price of the item. Specify whether an additional cost or specific discount will apply when this attribute is chosen.
  • Price from Base: Enter the specific dollar amount of the increase or decrease in price from the product's base price.

Modify existing attributes.
  1. Click the attribute in the list on the Attributes tab. Then click Modify.

  2. You can change the wording of the attribute category as well as the attributes and their pricing by typing in the "Attribute Category" and other fields. Select another attribute by clicking on it in the "Attributes in Category" list.

  3. Remove an attribute by selecting it from the "Attributes in Category" list and clicking the Remove button.
  4. Create new attributes by clicking the Add New button and filling in the required fields. Then click Add and Done. Next, click Finish and then Yes when asked to save changes in the next window.
Do not fill in the shipping tab. Open the File menu and select Save Products. Exit all windows until the Configure Store window is finally closed.

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