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Text Editing

Links & Text Properties

Background Colors


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Links and Text Properties
Open your homepage template — default.asp.
  1. Look to the right for the Files panel as shown below. If it is not displayed, press F8 on your keyboard. The following Files panel will appear and may display your group's folder as open. Make sure the dropdown list on the right displays "Local View."
  2. After your group's files and folders appear in the site file listing, double-click the default.asp file. It will open in the main editing area.
Highlight text.
Click inside any teal tag or raised box area and select your text. Other areas will be locked.

Select a property.
Locate the properties window at the bottom of the screen. If you do not see it, press CTRL, and then F3 on your keyboard at the same time. The properties window will appear.

Apply a property or link .
Use the following areas of the properties window to affect the text:
  • Format: Each format will increase or decrease the size of your text based on the format title.
  • Default Font: Use the dropdown list to choose a group of fonts.
  • Size: Experiment until you find a size you are comfortable with.
  • Text Color: Click the small down arrow on the box adjacent to "Size" which will then fill in a color code for you.
  • Bold, Italic, and Alignment: These buttons apply the same changes found in word processors.
  • Link: Type in the full Web address such as "". Make sure to include http:// Use the "Target" dropdown to choose _blank. This will open the link in a new browser window and keep your store page open in its current browser window.
  • Bullets, Numbers, and Indenting: These buttons apply changes similar to those in word processors.
  • Cell Properties: These instructions are covered in the Background Colors section of the Dreamweaver tutorial.

Save the file by clicking on File, and then Save.
Preview your page.
Go to the preview area for your store on the tutorial home page by clicking your group name. Next, type the name of your file at the end of the web address appearing in the browser and press ENTER on your keyboard. If you are satisfied, upload the default.asp file.

>> Edit the background colors now.