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Paint Shop Pro

Open an Image

Set the Resolution

Adjust the Dimensions

Save the File

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Using Paint Shop Pro Help
Set the Resolution
Select the image file.
After opening the file, click once in the image. If other images are open, this will select the image.
Open the resize window.
  1. Click Image on the main menu.
  2. Click Resize in the dropdown list.
Set the resolution to 72 pixels/inch.
  1. Click the small white circle before the words "Actual / print size."
  2. Find the Resolution field and type in 72 if there is a different value in the field. This will adjust the image for use on the Web. In this example, 125 must be changed to 72 pixels/inch. However, you probably won't have to reset this value since it may already be at 72 pixels/inch.
  3. Examine the Pixel Size area at the top of the Resize window. If the dimensions are smaller than your target area in your web page, you will have to select another image that is the same or larger than your target area. You will have to begin at Step 1 above.
  4. Click OK.
>> Adjust the image dimensions now.