Service Improvement
American Cancer Society South Atlantic Division
and Scope I approached the Mid-Atlantic American Cancer Society to assess their current training needs and to recommend a new system if needed. As project manager, I collaborated with executive stakeholders and a number of staff at different locations, maintained all documentation, and developed all deliverables. Background The merger of the American Cancer Society's Mid-Atlantic and Southeast divisions was done to increase effectiveness and efficiency. Every aspect of these entities was incorporated in the new South Atlantic Division (SAD). This process brought a significant opportunity to improve the customer service centers. Improving cancer information specialist training is critical to reaching a common vision and culture. Goal/Challenge This training project supports the creation of a state-of-the-art mission delivery system within the Quality of Life Center of Excellence. It improves customer service and reaches a high level of consistency between staff. Moreover, new hires and current employees engage in a continuous learning process that incorporates their contributions and enables their active learning. Furthermore, the system utilizes current training materials and the most valid adult learning research findings. Outcome The SAD is now developing curriculum which will be integrated with the instructional strategy I proposed for the cancer information specialists. This system will utilize a new vendor-based CMS and current training materials. |