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Immersive Simulation

Injury Prevention Team

12/15/10 - 2/16/11
  • Instructional Design
  • Prototype Development
  • Product Development
  • Photography
  • Audio Development
  • Survey Design
Newark, DE
Web Site


Immersive Simulation - Online
Simulation Design Architecture
Learner Survey
Role and Scope
The board of Christiana Care established a staff injury reduction goal for 2011. Senior HR Management engaged me to address this need with analysis, recommendations, design, and production of a solution. I worked closely with an injury prevention team as I carried out the full spectrum of instructional design, production, and evaluation. I observed staff, visited work locations, did still photography and audio production, and created the elearning solution.

Christiana Care employees about 11,000 employees and utilizes about 7,000 contractors. Injuries of personnel onsite not only have a negative impact on staff and their families, but also a significant negative financial impact on the organization.

Employee injuries were a significant concern to the Christiana Care board. Although injury prevention education had been in place for years, senior management supported a new approach that I proposed. With over 18,000 learners to train, the challenge was to create engaging, effective, and efficient elearning. With a very short timeframe I completed the entire project.

Injury prevention staff reported a drop in employee injuries following completion of the training. With a 30% response rate, the course survey revealed that learners were overwhelmingly positive about the online injury prevention simulation:
  • More aware of potential injury situations
  • Have a better understanding of how to prevent injuries
  • Believe the course is relevant to job
  • Found the course friendly
  • Preferred the simulation over traditional courses
Chris is a master thinking partner and assisted me in pinpointing the exact behaviors and skills I wished participants to obtain. His method of presentation and consulting skills makes it a pleasure to partner with him on any project.

Dominc Kayatta
Christiana Care Health System


Christopher Lepine